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isn’t it crazy

how minds run when you’re bored

and you begin to reflect on

how your mind once soared

and now its stationary

waiting for a new event

to take it on a journey

that will let your creativity

truly vent

my mind stops at night

and in classrooms

and ignites

in the presence of creatives

i feel like teachers are explorers

infecting the kids that are natives

because they are pure

and live in their own world

then we’re exposed to things

we didn’t want or need

i just wanna do something I love

that’ll help my family feed

i don’t care about Trump

he’ll be dead soon enough

i don’t care about sleep

i'll rest my head soon enough

i just need somebody to remember

this day

eighth feb twenty seven teen

the year you realise

there’s a whole in every jean

and we’re all reading through timelines

without reading our own

it’s not many months now

'til all my friends on students loans

and we don’t care

as we stare into the bottles

of lambrini on the kitchen desktop

as I fiddle my thumbs in my lap

covered with only an oversized top

my styles crazy in the summer

i’m sure you’ve seen it

the feeling is freedom

i’m sure that you’ve been it

something I always promote

because I know freedoms the GOAT

it’s the thing we get jealous most of

it’s like sailing a boat

and you’re the only captain

it can last for as long or as short

as you desire

just don’t overthink the route and

the strategy

don’t let the passengers

ever drain your battery

just keep sailing with that freedom

beneath you like a hoverboard

and hold onto the memories

of when your mind soared


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