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lucid dreaming into

moments that could be

alternative reality

seeing places that i shoud be

i made some poor decisions

the rest was out my hands

but to have that fall through my fingers

like beach sands

how couldnt i be disappointed

we were too young

the chemistry didnt add up

some things arent meant to be 

you roll the dice and get bad luck

fast forward present day

do we regret our decisions yet

she still remembers old nicknames

but all our conversations i seem to forget

mental blank 

erased from my history

but now you wont walk away

instead youll make a fist for me

what a compromise

a situation to be in

but the futures not like the past

its hard to see into

but its hard for us to contemplate

situations we havent lived

16 then what would it be like at 32

would i still have those feelings as a 

boy of resentment towards you

i left the door ajar for you

but this isnt an invitation

its just a chance to reevaluate

our complex situation

childhood drama

we've been dealt the most

when it happened to you

did you realise then that you needed me

apologised for past reactions

as the sourness drained out my environment

laid my hate to rest

gave my stress a retirement

im glad youre still here

i couldnt have taken seeing you up there

im still here with the toolkit

let me get to work just stay there

the door opens 

she walks out it 

alone with my thoughts

wonder why i even thought about it

should have stayed on my own path

and had no doubt about it

but the emotions were raw

there was no clout or fame about it

i guess childhood dreaming

should remain childhood dreaming

and so i lay to rest this hatchet


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